How to Know if You Have Been Muted on Facebook

How to Know if You Have Been Muted on Facebook

If you are wondering how to know if you have been muted on Facebook, it's likely because someone isn't speaking to you. You may have been having a conversation which you thought was particularly engaging, then it suddenly ended. Have you had a fight and believe that that person may have muted you on Facebook? Are you being ignored?

Are you wondering how to tell if a conversation has been muted on Facebook Messenger? If so, you can find the answer to your doubts here. At oneHOWTO we will be discussing how to know if you have been muted on Facebook. Keep reading for more!

Can you know for definite if you have been muted on Facebook?

Facebook has introduced a new Facebook mute conversation button on Facebook Messenger. When using the social media platform, you may not want to be distracted by beeps and notifications from people messaging you on Facebook. The most common reason that someone would delete and specifically mute a Facebook Messenger chat would be due to group chats.

Often people are brought together by friends on Facebook when trying to organize a Facebook event (birthday party, work conference, music festival, etc.). Although the information can be useful, there are usually a few chatty Facebook members who comment and type until the repeated message alert sound makes you literally want to throw your laptop out of the window. Muting a conversation on Facebook Messenger allows this stream to act silently, without having to offend anyone by telling them to stop chatting or deleting them.

The idea behind muting someone on Facebook means that you won’t receive notifications of new messages that have been sent. You may be wondering, if you mute someone on Facebook Messenger will they know? No, they won’t. This is partly of the point of the Facebook feature. There is no alert or hack on Facebook to know exactly who has muted you.

This is why, if you want to know if you have been muted on Facebook, you have to use intuition. Here's how:

If I mute someone on Facebook will they know?

There is a difference between muting someone on Facebook and blocking someone on Facebook. If you have been blocked by someone on Facebook, not only will your message not show up, but you won't appear on their friend list. In addition, if someone has blocked you on Facebook, you won’t be able to do a Facebook search for them or see any of their information. The only thing that you might be able to see if someone on Facebook blocks you are some messages in shared groups or apps.

When you mute someone on Facebook, not much ostensibly changes. The main difference is that you won't receive alerts or messages from them. If you want to mute someone on Facebook, you are given options as to how long you want to mute them for. These are Facebook muting options include:

  • For 30 minutes
  • For 1 hour
  • For 8 hours
  • For 24 hours
  • Indefinitely

If you are at work and don’t want to mute someone on Facebook for too long you can opt to mute the conversation for just a few hours. If you don't want to receive messages from this Facebook friend, but still need to be in contact with them, you can mute them indefinitely. By muting someone on Facebook indefinitely, it means that you can choose to read their messages or not. You can do this even if you simply want a little more privacy on Facebook. The good thing is that you can 'unmute' a Facebook friend at any time.

Have I been muted on Facebook?

If you think you have been muted on Facebook, then it is likely your message won't be 'Seen'. This means they haven't read the message. If you have sent a message, but it has not been received it will say 'Message sent'. This means the recipient hasn't been online. If it says 'Message delivered', this means the person has been online, but hasn’t read the message.

Most users check their messages when they log onto Facebook. If you know that your messages have been sent, but not read, then there are two possibilities:

  • The recipient has seen your message alert and not yet read it.
  • The recipient has muted you and doesn't want to hear from you for a while.

The glitch method on Facebook

Here is a method some people have claimed works on Facebook, but we believe no longer works. It is known as the Facebook 'glitch method'.

  • When you think you have been muted on Facebook by a user, send this user a message.
  • If the message is read as 'seen' the exact time you sent it, it means you have been muted.
  • Check Facebook on another device such as a smartphone.
  • If the messages have been 'seen' at different times, then you have been muted.

Have I been muted on Facebook Messenger?

The best way to know if someone has muted you on Facebook is not actually technological and involves you answering a simple question: does this person have a reason to mute you on Facebook?

If the answer is yes and you have sent them a lot of messages which have been delivered, but not read, then it is likely this Facebook friend has muted you. If they haven't muted you, then they will have received alerts about your Facebook messages but chosen not to read them.

Remember, if you send a person a message in a Facebook group chat which has been muted, they won't receive alerts. However, you should be able to sent them direct messages; unless they have muted you.

Facebook ignore messages feature

More recently, Facebook introduced a feature called ‘ignore messages’. While it is similar to the mute function, it has a more specific purpose. Instead of muting someone you have as a friend, the ignore function works as a way to prevent receiving messages directly without having to block them.

The ignore feature is great because it can help us filter messages we might think are spam. When we ignore a Facebook user, their messages will be sent to the connection requests section. This means if you realize someone important has been messaging you, you can simply go into the connection requests and ‘unignore them’.

If you want to know how to ignore someone, it is the same as muting them. You go into the Facebook Messenger settings and select the ‘Ignore messages’ feature. This will result in a pop asking if you are sure you want to ignore them.

However, if you want to know if someone has ignored your messages on Facebook, the situation is the same as being muted. Facebook will not notify someone they have been ignored and you will need to use the same techniques as explained above.

For more related to Facebook privacy and/or notification alerts on Facebook, you can take a look at;

  • How to stop Facebook Messenger from popping up
  • How to go on Facebook without anyone noticing

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