Android phones

How to Upgrade to Android Lollipop

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Upgrade to Android Lollipop

The new version of Android, Android 5.0, or Lollipop, has already been released and will gradually be rolled out to all devices with Google's mobile operating system. The new version introduces many interesting new features such as the "Material design" language system. So if you have a compatible device you should check if the update is already available to you and upgrade as soon as you can. Are you a bit lost already? At, we'll explain how to upgrade to Android Lollipop.

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Steps to follow:


The first step to upgrade to Android Lollipop is to go on your Android device and find the 'About phone' section on the Settings of your Android phone. Once in this tab, find 'System Updates' click on it. Then tap on 'System updates' and your phone will automatically check to see if there are any available updates.


However, your phone may not find updates once you have followed the procedure mentioned above. If no updates are found, then you'll have to keep waiting for now until your device receives the update. Keep on checking every week.

However, if it does find an update then it may be the Lollipop update. If so, you will get a message informing you that a new version of Android is available. Plug your device into the mains, make sure that you are connected to a wireless network and click on 'Download update'.


Once you have done this, you'll see it will start to download the data you need to update your device. Be patient as it may take several minutes for this procedure to be completed.


Once the download is one hundred per cent complete, you will get a message asking if you want to install the update. You should click on 'Update now'.


Your phone will turn itself off: this is normal so don't panic. Next, it will begin installing the update, which can take several minutes. When finished, the phone will restart with Android Lollipop already installed. Your new Android Lollipop is ready to be used!

Now you know how to upgrade to Lollipop, you can also take a look at these other useful Android hacks:

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How to Upgrade to Android Lollipop