
How to Reactivate my Twitter Account

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: February 25, 2021
How to Reactivate my Twitter Account

Have you deactivated your Twitter account and regret it now? It is normal to feel the need to unsubscribe from social networks sometimes. However, it is also common to realise after a period of reflection that some are not so bad and that you enjoy the benefits of certain networks, so for this reason, you may want to recover your account. Twitter has clear policies regarding the recovery of unsubscribed accounts, so this OneHowTo explains how to reactivate your Twitter account in detail and in which cases you'll need to create a new account.

Steps to follow:


WARNING! To reactivate your Twitter account, less than 30 days must have passed since deactivation. It is impossible to reactivate it if more than a month has passed as all the data will have been deleted, so the only solution for users of this social network is to create a new account. If you wish, you can use the same email that you used previously, as well as the same user name, provided it is still available.

However, if you disabled your Twitter account less than 30 days ago, then read on because this OneHowTo will explain how to recover it.


If you deactivated your Twitter account less than 30 days ago, you'll need to reactivate your Twitter account by following the reactivation process on your computer because it is not available on mobile devices.

Go to the Twitter homepage to start.


Once there, log in as normal by entering your username or email and password. On clicking the button to log into your account, you will automatically reactivate your account, as the data is only deleted if one month has passed since you deactivated your account.

If the system tells you that recovery is temporarily disabled, you should try again later. If you are nearing the end of 30 days, you can make a request to Twitter's technical support team to help you with urgent reactivation by filling in a form they'll provide you.

How to Reactivate my Twitter Account - Step 3

Bear in mind that when reactivating your Twitter account, it is possible that the amount of people you follow, your followers or published tweets may not be correct. If this happens, wait for 48 hours for the system to be completely restored, after which time your account will usually be in order.

Otherwise, you can contact Twitter's technical support team who will help you to correctly recover your data.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Reactivate my Twitter Account, we recommend you visit our Internet category.

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janet clark
i gor deactivated in sept if 2021 i don,t rember my ueser name or password on twiiter please help get my twitter back thanks
Hello, I deactivated one of my Twitter account but I don't remember, it was a month a go or even more than that. Also, I do not remember my account name and password. I was wondering if you could help me out and I can reactive my account. thanks in advance.
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Maryam,

If you don't remember your account name, search your email inbox for it and it should be there from when you registered.
Marie Drysdale
I forgot my username and cannot reactivate my account
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How to Reactivate my Twitter Account