Android phones

How to Record Calls on Android

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Record Calls on Android

No phone offers the ability to record calls, partly because it is illegal to do so in many countries. In any case, this is now possible thanks to countless applications that you can install for free. These give you the option of storing all your conversations automatically or doing it manually whenever you choose. So don't wait any longer and discover in this OneHowTo article how to record calls on Android.

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Steps to follow:


First, you must be aware that the legality of recording phone calls varies according to each country or state. So, in the case of Spain, it is completely legal as long as you're taking part in this particular conversation. So, it would be illegal to record a call between third parties but not those in which you are participating, and when calls don't involve a discussion of intimate matters of the person recorded.

How to Record Calls on Android - Step 1

Recording calls can be very useful in situations such as contracting a service via your telephone, if you are receiving harassing calls or mobbing, or simply because you want to save conversations with your loved ones. Any mobile phone or smartphone offers the option of recording calls directly, but it requires the installation of an app.

How to Record Calls on Android - Step 2

First, go to the Play Store on your Android handset and in the search box that appears at the top, type 'Call Recorder'. You can also add 'free' to make sure that any applications don't charge you.

How to Record Calls on Android - Step 3

Many apps allow you to record a call on Android, so you can choose whichever you prefer from the choices listed. In this OneHowTo article, we'll use the first two as an example and show you how they are used, since most of them perform in a similar way.

Click on the one you want to install, click the green button 'Install' and accept any permission requests from the app. In a few minutes, you'll have the installed application on your Android phone.

How to Record Calls on Android - Step 4

Taking the first result as an example, callX, you must configure the app properly once you have downloaded it, in order to record your telephone conversations. So, you should choose the audio source which could be 'VOICE_CALL' to record calls directly or 'MIC' if this is the audio source that you want to record. Note that with some smartphones, like the Moto G we tested, the first option does not work and you need to select 'MIC' and activate the speakerphone during a call.

Also, we advise you enable the option for automatic recording so that this application is activated when you receive or make a call. You can also change the quality of any saved audio recordings.

How to Record Calls on Android - Step 5

So, when you call or they call you, you'll see the logo appear automatically on the top of the screen with the callX icon. This tells you that this application is running and, therefore, the telephone conversation is being recorded. Remember that if you have selected the microphone as the audio source, you need to activate hands-free so it's louder and can be recorded.

How to Record Calls on Android - Step 6

'Call Recorder' is the second application that appears in the Google Play list when searching for apps to record calls on Android. So, if you install this one, you'll also need to access the setup menu to adjust all the parameters before starting to record calls. To do this, make sure the 'Call Recorder' tab is activated, and that you can also control the sound volume and other features.


It is also advisable that you activate the speakerphone or hands-free so that the audio is recorded properly through your smartphone's microphone. After having received or made a call, you'll receive a notification that a new telephone conversation has been recorded. By clicking on it, you can play it and save it or delete it. Voila!

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How to Record Calls on Android