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How To Create A Facebook Survey

Ameera Mills
By Ameera Mills. Updated: July 9, 2020
How To Create A Facebook Survey

Are you wondering what your Facebook friends or followers think about in reference to a specific topic? Luckily for you there’s a way to find out! Facebook surveys or Facebook polls are a perfect way to interact with your friends or followers in both a fun and interesting way. But how do you create a Facebook poll?

Once you know who your target market is, creating a survey for Facebook is quite easy. For more on how to create a Facebook survey or toll, keep reading here at OneHOWTO.

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  1. How do I create a Facebook survey
  2. How to create a survey on Facebook business page
  3. How to create a facebook survey: what to consider
  4. Facebook survey: example

How do I create a Facebook survey

When making a survey on Facebook, you must first know that making a survey from a personal profile is different from making a Facebook survey from a Facebook page when it comes to what to consider. Technically speaking, however, the process is the same. Keep reading to find out how to create a poll on Facebook timeline and your personal profile:

  1. First, go to the "Status" section and click on the ellipsis to display the options tab.
  2. Next, the page will allow you to create content on the wall. Search the "Poll" option and select it.
  3. Next, a dialogue window will open where you type in your question and fill in your possible answers.
  4. The poll option also allows you to add a photo of video option if you’d like to.
  5. And when you’re finished, POST!

See, quick and easy!

How To Create A Facebook Survey - How do I create a Facebook survey

How to create a survey on Facebook business page

Making a poll for a group and a profile are done in the same way, technically speaking. However, what to consider when making the Facebook poll changes. When working as a business, the way in which you lay out a survey will be different to a personal poll made for your friends. Here are our tips for making a business survey for a Facebook business page:

  1. Make sure your page is managed well so that you can control who you would like to answer your questions. This can be done in your settings page.
  2. Next, we recommend choosing a duration for your Facebook poll.
  3. We recommend adding a photo to your business poll so that you can catch your followers’ eye.
  4. Make sure that you keep track of how the poll is going.
  5. Follow up! If you make a poll, make sure to keep your a promise to your customers and give them what they asked for (depending on the actual poll question, of course!)
How To Create A Facebook Survey - How to create a survey on Facebook business page

How to create a facebook survey: what to consider

The first thing to do is make sure that your question is well formulated and does not give rise to possible erroneous interpretations. In addition, we suggest choosing concrete and clear answers. In this way, the survey will provide you with reliable and useful information that you can use to better your business.

It is also essential that the survey has the necessary dissemination to reach the chosen target audience. This, in general, is usually easy to do on a Facebook page, since once someone follows you the content should immediately reach them. However, there are some things you can take into account as a Facebook survey example that could help make the dissemination of your survey stronger:

  • Day and time of publication: choose a day and time in which you see that the majority of your audience is active. According to mashable.com, audience activity on Facebook is usually higher at 11am, 3pm and 8pm on Wednesdays[1]. In addition, people are generally more active on Facebook during weekdays rather than on weekends.
  • Survey style: make sure the style of the photo or video posted is attractive to the eye and ask ask a clear but striking question.
  • Photos that accompany the survey: choose a photo that attracts attention and works well with the concept of the survey.
  • Using hashtags on Facebook: use a common and searched for hashtag relevant to your poll question.

Facebook survey: example

For more tricks on how to make sure you have a successful poll on Facebook, you might find these following articles helpful:

If you want to read similar articles to How To Create A Facebook Survey, we recommend you visit our Internet category.

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Brett E Golightly
The POLL option is NOT THERE TO SELECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 2020
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How To Create A Facebook Survey