
How to Delete Comments on Instagram for Android

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Delete Comments on Instagram for Android

One of the features of Instagram is the ability to give likes and to comment on the photos posted by other users that you follow. Just as you can comment on their photos, they can also leave comments on your photos, which always appear underneath your posts. But if someone has said something you do not like or something you want to delete, don't worry! You can remove that comment in an easy and quick way. In this OnHowTo article we will tell you how to delete comments on Instagram for Android step by step, from both a mobile device and a PC.

Steps to follow:


To delete comments on Instagram from an Android device, the first thing you have to do is to access the application. Then go to your profile to select the image under which is the comment you wish you delete. If they have just been added, go to your latest notifications to go directly to the message you want to delete.

How to Delete Comments on Instagram for Android - Step 1

When you have opened the image in question, click on the three points that will appear vertically on the right of the screen, as shown in the image here. After this, a breakdown with all the messages on the post will appear, and it is here where you can delete the ones you want.

How to Delete Comments on Instagram for Android - Step 2

To delete a message from Instagram , simply select the comment, pressing down for a few seconds. Notice how the color changes and appears more shaded. Once marked, simply click the bin symbol on the top right of the screen, as shown in the image here. And that's it!

How to Delete Comments on Instagram for Android - Step 3

Now, you can also delete Instagram messages from the PC. To do so, go to and log in with your username and password. If you do not know how to, we invite you to read our article on how to use Instagram on your PC where you will find the functionality that allows you to use this web version.


Once you enter the site with your data, it will automatically take you to the wall, i.e. the section where you will find the latest posts by the accounts you follow. To delete any comments they have left, you'll need to access your profile. To do this, click on your username, which appears on the top right of the screen.

How to Delete Comments on Instagram for Android - Step 5

Now it is much easier to delete the comment because all you have to do is select the photo which has the message below, open it and hover the mouse over the comment you want to remove. Immediately you will see a cross on the right, which you should click to permanently delete the message.

How to Delete Comments on Instagram for Android - Step 6

If what you want is to delete a comment that you've written, the procedure is also very simple. If you are connected to Instagram from a PC, all you have to do is to locate the photo on which you commented and, as before, you'll see a cross appear on the right. Click on it to delete your message forever.

How to Delete Comments on Instagram for Android - Step 7

If you want to delete it from your Android device, go to the photo on which you commented and click on the speech bubble symbol, as if you were to comment again. Once here, click on your comment and the rubbish symbol mentioned in section 3 will appear on the right: click on it and your comment will disappear from the app.

How to Delete Comments on Instagram for Android - Step 8

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How to Delete Comments on Instagram for Android