
Instagram Videos Not Playing on Android: Solutions

Ameera Mills
By Ameera Mills. Updated: July 22, 2024
Instagram Videos Not Playing on Android: Solutions

Have you noticed that your Instagram video player isn’t working? Normally when scrolling through Instagram, videos should play automatically, this known as Instagram video autoplay. But in the case that your Instagram videos are not uploading or the videos won’t play (despite showing the spinning circle), this article is for you!

For more, keep reading this oneHOWTO Instagram videos not playing on android. Not only will we be discussing why this is happening, but we’ll be looking at how to fix this problem.

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  1. Videos won’t play on Instagram: Why?
  2. Videos not playing on Instagram: what to do
  3. Instagram video not playing

Videos won’t play on Instagram: Why?

The main causes for videos not playing on Instagram include:

  • It has just been deleted by the person who posted it.
  • You don’t have strong enough connection or data.
  • Your phone is on power saving mode, which automatically stops Instagram videos from playing automatically.
  • Your Instagram application is outdated.
  • Instagram app cache and data are slowing down the application

Keep reading for more on how to fix Instagram videos not playing.

Instagram Videos Not Playing on Android: Solutions - Videos won’t play on Instagram: Why?

Videos not playing on Instagram: what to do

If your Instagram videos are not playing, we recommend fixing this problem by:

Bad connection

The first thing you should try do if your videos are not playing automatically is make sure that your phone is connected to WiFi (Settings - connections) or has sufficient data. If your rooter seems not not be working we recommend rebooting your WiFi router, by switching it off and then on again.

If this doesn’t work, we recommend resetting your network settings on your mobile phone:

  1. Go to your settings.
  2. Backup - Reset
  3. Network settings reset.
  4. Click on Reset settings.
  5. Restart your device.

Power-saving mode

If your phone is on power-saving mode your Instagram videos will not autoplay. Therefore, we recommend taking your phone off power-saving mode:

  1. Enter settings.
  2. Device maintenance - battery or type into search bar above ‘power-saving mode.’
  3. Click OFF.

Instagram outdated

The reason why your Instagram videos are not playing could also be caused by the fact that your Instagram has not been updated. To update Instagram you should:

  1. Open your ‘play store’.
  2. Click on the three horizontal lines on the top of your screen.
  3. Go to your apps & games.
  4. Scroll down to Instagram and press update.

Instagram App cache and Date

If your phone is holding a lot of cache files, it may be slowing down your Instagram functioning completely. To clear your cache and date we recommend:

  1. Opening your settings.
  2. Click on ‘Apps.’
  3. Select Instagram and click on ‘Storage.’
  4. Click on ‘Clear Cache’ and ‘Clear Data.’

Instagram Videos Not Playing on Android: Solutions - Videos not playing on Instagram: what to do

Instagram video not playing

For more about Instagram videos and Instagram issues, we recommend reading our following articles:

If you want to read similar articles to Instagram Videos Not Playing on Android: Solutions, we recommend you visit our Internet category.

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Instagram Videos Not Playing on Android: Solutions