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How To Get More Reads On Wattpad

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: June 17, 2020
How To Get More Reads On Wattpad
Image: wattpad.bandcamp.com

Wattpad is a web based online storytelling platform available for users absolutely for free. It allows users to publish their written works through their website or mobile app. You may post any kind of written content on this community; articles, fiction, poetry or anything else. Other users are also allowed to like and comment on your stories, so that you can get real-time feedback from your live readers. In addition to the US, Wattpad has user-bases in India, UAE, UK, Philippines, Nigeria, Indonesia, Jamaica, Russia and Australia. Once you publish on Wattpad, you obviously want it to be read by the maximum number of people. This oneHOWTO article is going to tell you how to get more reads on WattPad and gain popularity.

  1. Write quality content
  2. Categorize properly
  3. Stay active
  4. Post on schedule
  5. Promote wisely
  6. Show your manners
  7. Include call to action
  8. Make it a featured story
  9. Seek help from other Wattpad users

Write quality content

Whatever you write and publish, it should be grammatically correct, free from spelling mistakes and structured carefully. Here are a few things that you should consider:

  • It should have a nice introduction, followed by a properly structured story, ending with a well-thought conclusion.
  • Run a reputable grammar check on your content. It will hardly take 5 minutes, but can make a big difference in terms of readability.
  • Spelling and grammar mistakes tend to distract readers from your story. Errors in the first chapter itself will discourage the readers from reading further.
  • Give attention to your content’s formatting too. Giant text blocks are confusing and scary, and dispirit the readers from carrying on reading.
  • The plot you choose should be original and interesting. No one would be interested in reading something they have already read a hundred times.
  • Give a nice title to your content and even sub-headings in your story description. They will entice the readers and convince them to read what’s inside.
  • Get a great cover made for your story. There is a multi-medium designs forum where you can request a graphic designer to design a cover for your text.

Categorize properly

Choose the right categories and tags after you publish your content. When a reader searches for content in your category or tags, they will easily reach your story. But if you tag them incorrectly, an audience with different interests might your post and rate it negatively. Use the right keywords to describe your story and mention the correct subject matter, genre, theme and tags to attract the right audience.

It is also important to rate your story appropriately, as per the nature of your content. It could be you are publishing a romance novel, historical fiction or fantasy piece. One of the most common group of writers (and readers) is YA (Young Adult) fiction. You may use tags like mature readers, sexual content, adult fiction, strong language etc. If your writing is for teens, post it with teen fiction, young fantasy and other such tags.

Stay active

In order to stay popular, you need to stay active on Wattpad as well. You not only need to post regularly, but also involve yourself in the community. Do the following:

  • You may start a graphic thread where you may stay connected with other writers and your readers.
  • From time to time, post a note about your content and ask users to have a look at it.
  • If someone asks for your help or asks you to read their story and leave comments, don’t ignore it and be ready to help others. This doesn't mean you have to read it, but you should reply to the request.
  • Whenever a fan writes a negative or positive review for your content, try to reply as quickly as possible.
  • When replying to negative reviews, be reasonable and don't attack people personally.
  • Also do not be a miser while posting comments, votes and likes to other writers’ stories. Vote on their story, leave a comment, add it to your reading list or do anything else that can make them notice your contribution.

Post on schedule

Every time a writer posts or updates a write-up on Wattpad, their followers receive a notification. If you don’t want to let your story to get stale in your readers’ mind, avoid posting huge chunks at a time. Instead, create a schedule and post accordingly. Follow these steps:

  • Create a schedule and post it as planned, may be once or twice in a week.
  • Do not post more than one or two chapters at a time.
  • End your chapters on a cliffhanger, which will intrigue your readers to come back for more.
  • Try to post on Fridays, so that readers have enough time to go through your posts during the weekend.

Promote wisely

When you post a story on Wattpad, you need to promote it as well in order to get more reads, votes and comments. But you should not sound too desperate to get reads on your content. For instance, when you post a comment on someone else’s work, do not end it with ‘read my story’. You can suggest it if it is relevant to their interests, but make a judgment call. Remember these tips to promote your content wisely:

  • The best way to promote your content is to stay active on Wattpad, and treat it as a social networking site.
  • Look for other people’s promotions and accounts, agree to as many reviews and interviews as possible.
  • Enter the Watty’s (the Wattpad awards) and other contests to get noticed.

Show your manners

While commenting on Wattpad or replying to questions, be nice to others and use a civilized language. Always say please and thank you while interacting with others. Avoid getting into a fight with people who post negative comments for your posts. Never insult people, as it may give you a bad reputation in the long run. Also ensure your profile is clean and error-free. While posting your bio, a short paragraph is enough, rather than posting a whole biography. Make sure your profile picture is high in pixel quality and has a nice background.

How To Get More Reads On Wattpad - Show your manners

Include call to action

It is a nice tip to include a call to action at the end of your chapters. What do you expect from your readers? To leave a review, to comment on your content, to share their story with someone else? You can include an author’s note at your chapters’ end, which you can use to personally connect your readers. You may also ask critics to post their comments, so that you can get expert feedback and use it to make improvements. You may also give updates in this section, such as when you are coming up with your next post, what’s going on in your life, etc. These add elements to make your profile worth following and your work worth reading.

Make it a featured story

After posting your story on Wattpad, contact the team and ask them to make yours a featured story. Featured stories raise your profile on Wattpad and it will be visible to millions of readers across the globe. As a result, you will end up getting more reads, votes and comments. Remember, Wattpad does not charge you anything to make your story a featured one, but you need to promise them to keep your work on the profile for 6 months. Your story also needs to match the standards, such as having a nice cover, properly edited and including interesting material.

Seek help from other Wattpad users

There is nothing better than asking advice from other writers who are successful on Wattpad. Make sure they are knowledgeable about your genre (e.g. if you are writing a scary story, talk to someone who knows their horror). There are also clubs dedicated to helping writers improve their work. Interact with other writers and follow their guidelines with politeness, generosity and patience. You will definitely a find lot of people who will willingly help you out despite being successful and popular on Wattpad.

A combination of quality content and an active community presence should be the best way to get more reads on Wattpad. One may be harder than the other depending on your writer's temperament.

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Image: wattpad.bandcamp.com
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How To Get More Reads On Wattpad