Gmail features

How to Recall or Unsend an Unread Email on Gmail

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Recall or Unsend an Unread Email on Gmail

Who hasn't sent an e-mail and completely regretted it immediately afterwards? At some point in your life, you must have sent an e-mail in the heat of the moment and wished you hadn't immediately after. For anyone who makes inexcusable grammatical errors in their message, forgets to attach an important document or include crucial information can now turn back the clock with Gmail's 'Undo' feature. This feature gives you a five-second margin to undo the sending of your e-mail. If you're not sure how to activate this invaluable tool, read on for a straightforward step-by-step guide.

You'll need:

  • A computer.
  • Internet access.
  • A Gmail account.
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Steps to follow:


First, you will of course need to go to your Gmail account and log in.

How to Recall or Unsend an Unread Email on Gmail - Step 1

Next, click on the cog symbol in the top-right corner of the screen and then select 'Settings' from the drop down box which appears, as shown in the picture below.

How to Recall or Unsend an Unread Email on Gmail - Step 2

Once inside the 'Settings' scroll down to the 'Undo Send' option on the main settings tab.

How to Recall or Unsend an Unread Email on Gmail - Step 3

Click the 'Enable Undo Send' option. You'll now have the option to undo sending an email. You can even choose the length of time that you would like this option available for, from just 5 seconds up to 30 seconds. Our advice is to choose the 30 second option so that you have maximum time available to realize your mistake after you have sent the email.

How to Recall or Unsend an Unread Email on Gmail - Step 4

Now to test this new Gmail feature, you can write an e-mail to yourself and click 'Send'.

How to Recall or Unsend an Unread Email on Gmail - Step 5

Once sent click 'Undo' - and that's it. Your message will not be sent and you can relax and start again.

How to Recall or Unsend an Unread Email on Gmail - Step 6

As you'll be able to see, Gmail forwards the email you just sent back to yourself for you to edit or delete as you see fit - so next time you click send and then realize you definitely shouldn't have, don't panic! Just click Undo and take a moment to appreciate the wonders of modern technology!

How to Recall or Unsend an Unread Email on Gmail - Step 7

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  • Remember that you only have five seconds to undo sending your e-mail.
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1 comment
Peter Amico
It used to be that you were able to recall an email as long as it was not read from the recipient. Why has modern technology placed a 30 second time frame?
Is there anything that can be done with an un read email?
Thank you,
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Peter,

It is likely due to the sheer amount of information being shared. Also, we have mobile devices which can alert us to new emails and other information almost immediately. We can't hide our mistakes as easily as before because technology is becoming more intelligent and immediate. Unfortunately, if you miss the window for deletion, it's possible the person has already seen it 35 seconds after you sent it.
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How to Recall or Unsend an Unread Email on Gmail