Gmail features

How to Schedule Emails in Gmail

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: May 31, 2018
How to Schedule Emails in Gmail

Gmail is one of the most popular email tools and it's because of how well it works and all that it allows us to do. However, there is something very practical that in principle the mail service Google does not offer: the delightful option of scheduling your emails to be sent later, at a specified time. This can be very useful for instance if you're working from home on a Saturday evening but you want the emails to be sent on Monday morning. Fortunately, many developers have realised this problem and there are many ways to solve it. On OneHowTo we tell you how to schedule emails on Gmail.

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Steps to follow:


To truly schedule emails in Gmail so that they are sent when you want, you'll need to install an extension in your mail service. One of the most used and beloved ones is Boomerang, which is also free. To install it, go to, the official website.

How to Schedule Emails in Gmail - Step 1

Click the big button that says "Add this to your Gmail now!". A small dialog box, in which the permissions will appear, should enquire about the extension if you really truly want to open it. In this case, you can read and modify your data, and manage your extensions, apps and themes. All this is normal, so click on the "Add" button to confirm this.

How to Schedule Emails in Gmail - Step 2

After accepting the installation, you'll first notice that the extension has been added. Gmail will then be loaded into your browser and in the centre you will see a window that will take you step by step through the operation of the Boomerang system. Click on the "start" button to see the small tutorial (or finish reading this article and skip the tutorial).

How to Schedule Emails in Gmail - Step 3

Once you have got the extension installed in Gmail, write an email to program to be sent. You will see that in the bottom of the window, you can write messages using a new toolbar. It is the Boomerang. Click on the red button where it says "Send later" to prime the email for a later date and time.

How to Schedule Emails in Gmail - Step 4

When you click on the button "Send Later" a drop-down menu will appear where you'll see many options: send off within 1, 2 or 4 hours, during the morning or afternoon, several days later, weeks or a month later or, finally, you can select exactly when you want the delivery to be sent off. Select the option that you prefer.

How to Schedule Emails in Gmail - Step 5

A pop-up window (you'll have to unblock them) will appear. Google will open asking you to give it permission to use Boomerang for two things: view and manage your email, and know who you are on Google. Ignore that and click "OK" to continue the schedule process for the email.

How to Schedule Emails in Gmail - Step 6

The message will then have been programmed for delivery. To view all emails that you have programmed with this tool, click on the icon of a boomerang that has appeared on the top right of the screen (including your name and configuration squares). In the dropdown menu, select "Manage scheduled messages". A new tab with all the information will open up for you.

How to Schedule Emails in Gmail - Step 7

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How to Schedule Emails in Gmail