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How to unlock secret characters in Crossy Road

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to unlock secret characters in Crossy Road

Are you already addicted to Crossy Road? It's hard not to be! Then you must have already noticed that when you are going through your character screen to see who you can use there are five of them that are blacked out, and it's driving you crazy not knowing what they are or how to get them. Want to get with them no matter what? It is possible! Of course, you have to play a lot and get lucky, but we're sure you can do it. At OneHowTo we show you how to unlock secret characters in Crossy Road.

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  1. Hipster Whale
  2. Andy Sum, Ben Weatherall, and Matt Hall
  3. Crab
  4. Drop Bear
  5. Gifty

Hipster Whale

This Hipster Whale is not just the logo of the company that developed Crossy Road. To unlock him, you have to look out for him when you are crossing rivers. Do you suddenly see a strange blue object that could be a whale? Jump on him and then jump off. Keep playing until you lose. You will see that when the game is over, Crossy Road will tell you that you have unlocked one new character and yes, it's Hipster Whale.

How to unlock secret characters in Crossy Road - Hipster Whale

Andy Sum, Ben Weatherall, and Matt Hall

These three are none other than the Crossy Road creators that have been included as secret characters in the latest update of the game. Now how do you unlock them? By getting a new high score - or by getting very close to your high score - while playing with their favourite characters. This means that, to unlock Andy, you have to get a high score playing as Mallard; for Ben, play as Dark Lord; and for Matt, play as Lucky Cat.

How to unlock secret characters in Crossy Road - Andy Sum, Ben Weatherall, and Matt Hall


In the latest Australian update, you can unlock a new character called Crab. To do this, first you have to be playing with any of the Australian characters (i.e. when you are playing in sand and cactus screens). Once here, whenever you're on the sand, slide your finger left and right like crazy. If you do it enough times, you'll unlock the crab.

How to unlock secret characters in Crossy Road - Crab

Drop Bear

Drop Bear is a fictional character who is kind of a killer, carnivore koala. And he's also in the Australian update! To unlock him, you have to be playing as one of the Australian characters. When you are, you will find him up in a tree somewhere along the way. Get as close as you can to him. This killer koala will jump on you and kill you, but you will now have a new character in your list.

How to unlock secret characters in Crossy Road - Drop Bear


This is an extra Christmas bonus: a chicken (we think) in a gift box. To unlock this you have to be playing with the Festive Chicken (you can get him for free in the character screen). At some point you start hearing Christmas bells and you'll find a Christmas tree that showers you with gifts. The next time you scroll through character screen to find your gift, it will be Gifty.

How to unlock secret characters in Crossy Road - Gifty

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How to unlock secret characters in Crossy Road