How to Convert an ePub File to PDF

Trying to convert a file into the correct format can be a frustrating process. Although so much more of the information we share is now electronic, the methods of sharing them are incredibly diverse. Sometimes this is an attempt to limit the programs which can read a given file, but it is often it simply because different programs are used for different purposes. An ePub file is designed to display text and images as a digital version of a paper book. A PDF also has a fixed format layout, but is used for many different types of documents.
At oneHOWTO, we show you how to convert an ePub file to PDF. We provide six programs which convert ePub files and allow you to read them on devices which have a PDF reader.
What is the difference between a ePub file and a PDF file?
To find out how to convert an ePub to PDF, it is first necessary to know more about how they work as files. An ePub file, also stylized as EPUB, is based on the optional use of XHTM, CSS and XML style sheets. As a basic concept of the format, it is worth highlighting the use of a different and floating design allowing the adaptation of a presentation on screens of different devices. The ePub file has an .epub file extension and is a type of ZIP file, which can contain graphic elements and texts in PDF, xHTML and HTML.
A PDF file corresponds to an electronic document format prepared by Adobe Systems. It uses features of the PostScript language. PDF files combine text with graphics, images, and text shapes. Individual files use the .pdf file extension.
PDF Candy
The first ePub file to pdf conversion program we want to share is PDF Candy. PDF Candy is a desktop app which you can use through your web browser such as Goggle Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. It is a very easy to use online PDF converter, with intuitive drag and drop options and a range of conversions on top of their ePub file converter.
Follow these steps to use PDF Candy:
- Add an ePub file to convert to PDF with drag and drop or via the ‘add file’ button.
- Set the resulting page format and margin value.
- Click ‘Convert to PDF’ to convert the file into PDF format.
- When the conversion is complete, download the new file in PDF format.
It is possible to convert ePub files to PDF for free online thanks to programs like Convertio. You don't need to download any application, just access this online converter through your browser and follow this step-by-step tutorial:
- Upload the ePub file to the platform by selecting it from your Google Drive, your computer, Dropbox or by adding a URL. You can also do it by dragging the file to the web page.
- Select the PDF format for the conversion. Convertio has 200 supported formats, so you must specifically select the PDF extension.
- Finally, wait a few seconds, and when the file has been converted, immediately save the PDF to a folder on your computer.
Some apps make converting EPUB files to PDF difficult as they require registration. Registering for apps can be annoying as it often involves giving out your email and you may only want to use the service a limited number of times. CleverPDF doesn't require registration and you can upload files anonymously. To do so, simply follow these steps:
- Drag and drop the file into the file area or choose a file saved on your computer.
- By clicking ‘Start Conversion’, the process will start instantly.
- Download the PDF file instantly after the conversion process is complete.
- The converted file is removed from the server after 30 minutes automatically. To remove it sooner or instantly, you must click on ‘Remove’.
With CleverPDF you can convert files in the cloud without the need for software. All you need is an Internet connection and a web browser to edit or convert PDF on Windows, Linux, iOS, MAC or any operating system.
Epubor Ultimate is a fast and effective ePub to PDF file converter. It is capable of converting an entire collection of books in just a few minutes. It has a full menu with applications to customize the conversion procedure.
After importing the ePub file into Epubor, it begins to trace the import path to streamline the whole process. It is simple to use, although it lacks some features that would improve the user experience. It has an online version and a downloadable app with separate options for Windows and macOS.
PDFelement is one of the best programs to convert an EPUB file to PDF. The file does not lose quality in the conversion process and creates a PDF from popular formats. Follow these steps to use it correctly:
- Open ePub with a program like Adobe Digital Editions.
- Click ‘Print’ and select ‘PDFelement’ as the printer.
- Pull down the File menu and save it by clicking ‘Save As’. In this way, you save the ePub file in PDF format directly.
PDFelement is a part of the software app provider Wondershare.
Free PDF Convert
With FreePDFConvert you can also convert EPUB to PDF online in only a few seconds. The procedure is very simple:
- Upload the ePub file to the cloud using the corresponding button.
- Wait a few seconds to convert the file into PDF format.
- Once the conversion is complete, download the PDF file to save it on your device.
Go to FreePDFConvert file converter here
Now that you know these six ways to convert ePub files to PDF format, you may be interested in knowing more about what you can do with PDF files. To do so, check out our article on How to save PDFs to iPhone and use offline.
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