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How to Earn Money on Twitch

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. November 9, 2021
How to Earn Money on Twitch

Twitch is one of the world's largest and fastest growing social media platforms. Its main use is for livestreaming, something which can be done by users all over the world. Although livestreaming is a feature of various social media apps, steaming on Twitch has gained particular popularity and seems to enjoy a large market share. This is likely, at least in part, due to its ownership by the retail and tech giant Amazon. Part of its popularity is also due to the ability to monetize your Twitch streams.

At oneHOWTO, we find out how to earn money on Twitch. We show you the different ways you can monetize Twitch streaming and find out the best revenue streams for you.

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  1. Affiliate system
  2. Partner system
  3. Streamloots
  4. Donations
  5. External affiliation
  6. Streamion
  7. Sponsorships
  8. Merchandising

Affiliate system

Not all users can make money on Twitch. The platform requires compliance with certain factors which are determined by the company's creators. One of these is that only users who have broadcasted live for a minimum of 8 hours in the past month can monetize their Twitch streams. These 8 hours need to be spread out over a minimum of 7 different days.

Creators who want to earn money on the platform need to have at least 50 followers on their account. They must also average a minimum of 3 simultaneous viewers during the last month. In the grand scheme of social media platforms, this is not a large amount of people.

To make money through affiliates on Twitch, you need to use their affiliate system. You can generate income on Twitch using the following:

  • Bits: this is the currency used on Twitch and is similar to other virtual currencies they use on platforms such as TikTok.

  • Subscriptions: by providing access to premium content, subscriptions offer the possibility to get rid of advertisements, get new emblems and emojis and even access exclusive chats and streams of the channel for a regular monthly payment.

  • Sale of games: if you partner with game developers, you can receive 5% of the total of each sale obtained through this means.

Partner system

This system is very similar to the affiliate system, but with stricter rules and guidelines. To have options to be a partner, you need:

  • Accumulate an average of 25 hours of transmission spread over at least 12 days.
  • Amass an average of 75 simultaneous viewers during the last 30 days.

In terms of format, partners are similar to the affiliate system. Partners have the option to earn money from advertising. They do this by including advertisements in broadcasts. They also have advantages over account control and personalization, lifetime subscriptions and more alternatives to create stickers.


Streamloots is a monetization service based on gamification, a feature compatible with new digital platforms like Twitch. It is a tool that allows users to:

  • Create decks of letters to streamers with an interactive nature, giving a much more dynamic rhythm to their broadcasts.
  • Modify the name of the broadcast depending on the card they have or even get the creator to meet a challenge during the broadcast.
  • Cards are sold by chests, kicking into action the moment the user picks them up. This is done digitally during streaming.

If you want to find out how to increase monetizing on other social media platforms, take a look at our article on how to make money on TikTok.


This way of monetization works by integrating Streamlabs with Twitch, growing your number of streamers and using a special software created to help you monetize your Twitch stream. It is set up in a simple way:

  1. Creators modify their ‘About’ pages by enabling a button to donate to them.
  2. With this donation button, you send your users to Streamlabs.
  3. On this platform they can make donations through your link using services like PayPal.

PayPal is a useful payment management service which can be used for many types of online monetization of your content. For example, it is a great help when you want to set up your own Etsy shop.

External affiliation

The Twitch platform also allows external money streams such as those provided by product affiliations. It is another means to generate income and used in various digital platforms. Basically, they try to direct users to buy products on online retail sites such asAliexpressor Amazon using affiliate links.

This option is very compatible with Twitch considering that it belongs to the services of Amazon, one of the eCommerce giants which also has additional income from products like the Kindle.


Twitch is automated, directly integrating video ads into their different Twitch streams. In practice, it works like a television commercial. This option to earn money on Twitch does not require the creators to be affiliates or partners.

In short, Streamion proposes a direct monetization alternative incorporating advertising during live broadcasts.


Having sponsors is one of the greatest accolades your Twitch account can use to earn money. These are brands and services that support and trust your channel by giving you money to promote them. They can also use their advertising clout to promote you in other markets.

Sponsorships offer a more personalized approach and with a greater capacity for interaction with respect to advertising. They help you to earn money on Twitch by creating specialized campaigns. However, you need to have enough followers and influence to make partnership with you worthwhile.


Streamers will often build a brand with their Twitch channels. As with Instagram influencers, you can generate a brand identity which can be monetized in ways outside of the streaming itself. Merchandise is a great way to make money as there are many companies out there which can print your merch and sell it to you for a certain rate. You can then sell products individually at a profit.

Merchandising allows the creation of different consumer products for the interest of the community:

  • T-shirts
  • Caps
  • Jeans
  • Underwear
  • Pretty much anything you can print a logo on

This source of income is best used for Twitch streamers ho have a recognizable brand identity. It is not suitable for users who want to have yet to make a mark. You shouldn't bulk buy merch to sell unless you know you have an audience willing to buy it.

Many of these ways to earn money on Twitch can be applied to other platforms with streaming services. To learn more about what is available, take a look at our article on how to stream on Instagram live


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How to Earn Money on Twitch