WhatsApp Contacts Not Showing - Reasons Why and How to Fix it!
Are you having problems with WhatsApp? If so, don’t worry! Luckily for you, WhatsApp’s operating system is quite simple, which is partly what has contributed in it’s boom in popularity. It’s normal, as with any application, that sometimes you will run into some problems which can be difficult to fix, which is why we’re here to help you.
Are your WhatsApp contacts not showing names iphone and you don’t know why? Are you wondering how to refresh WhatsApp contacts on iphone or Android? If you’re seeing numbers instead of contacts’s names on whatsApp, we here at oneHOWTO want to help you fix whatsapp contacts not showing. Keep reading for more!
Why do I see numbers instead of WhatsApp names?
Are you seeing numbers on WhatsApp instead of contacts’ names? WhatsApp contacts not showing names can occur because of two main things:
- You do not have that phone number saved into your contacts list, so WhatsApp will not recognize it. In this case, we recommend re-saving the contact on your phone.
- You’re WhatsApp has not synchronized correctly with your phone. In this case, you need to re-syncronize your phone to your whatsApp.
How to refresh WhatsApp contact (synchronize):
- Go to your Settings.
- Go to account - WhatsApp.
- Click on WhatsApp again, Press Menu and click on Remove Account.
- Return to WhatsApp- Contacts - Menu - Refresh.
If your WhatsApp has already been updated and your contacts are still not showing on WhatsApp, delete and re-download it or keep reading for more!
For more, read WhatsApp profile picture not showing.
Why are my WhatsApp contacts not showing?
Sometimes, both Whataspp contacts and phone numbers don’t appear. If this is the case, it’s often a matter of configuration. Keep reading to find out how to fix Whatsaap not showing all contacts iphone or android names and numbers:
How to allow WhatsApp to access contacts: Android
If you have a smartphone with an Android operating system, follow these steps:
- Go to the Phone Settings section.
- Tap Applications section.
- Choose the option ‘Application Manager’.
- App - WhatsApp.
- Click on Accesses where you must activate all the permissions so that the use of WhatsApp is not limited by mobile security settings.
How to refresh WhatsApp contacts on iPhone
The process is also simple. Follow these steps:
- Select the Settings section on your iPhone.
- Tap the ‘Privacy option’.
- Click on contacts and make sure WhatsApp is activated (if it is not, you have to move the button to the right to give authorization).
- Close and reopen the application on your iPhone.
- Done, your contacts show now appear on WhatsApp.
You may also be interested in how to reduce WhatsApp data usage.
WhatsApp contacts not showing names android and iphone
Have you tried all of these aforementioned steps but your WhatsApp contact are STILL not showing? Here are some factors that may be contributing to this WhatsApp malfunction:
- Contact list: the contact may not be correctly saved to your contact list.
- You have lost contact: you may have accidentally deleted a contact without knowing it. But this is not a problem. And, how to recover contacts on WhatAspp? If your Android is backed up by Gmail and IOS by apple, you can retrieve this information inn your backup by entering ‘Internal storage/ WhatsApp /Databases’ - backup file extension.
- Update: sometimes, contacts do not appear correctly on WhatsApp because you haven't updated your WhatsApp. Go to Google Play for Android and iTunes for iPhone, to download and update.
- They don’t have WhatsApp: the person you might be trying to contact may not have WhatsApp and therefore they won’t show up on your WhatsApp contacts.
If you have any additional questions or problems about, we recommend consulting your service and phone provider for more information.
WhatsApp contacts not showing names: additional info
For more about WhatsApp contact questions, tips and information, we recommend reading the following articles:
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