
What Happens If I Block Someone on Instagram

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: November 25, 2024
What Happens If I Block Someone on Instagram

So you want to block someone on Instagram? Whatever the reason may be, you might be asking yourself what this will imply. Can they still see your profile? Will they know you blocked them?

In this article from oneHOWTO we will explain in detail what happens when you block someone on Instagram.

You may also be interested in: How To Block Someone On Instagram

What happens when I block someone on Instagram?

When you block someone on Instagram they will not be notified. If you have a public profile, they are still able to search for your profile. However, they will no longer be able to see your content or message you. To undo this, you can always unblock them. If your profile is public, they will not be able to search for you.

Check out the photo below to see what they will see if they search for your profile after you block them and what you will see on their profile once you black them if both profiles are public.

What Happens If I Block Someone on Instagram - What happens when I block someone on Instagram?

Common questions about when you block someone on Instagram

Here are some common questions about what happens when you block someone from Instagram:

How do you know if someone blocked you on Instagram?

We answer this question thoroughly on our article How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Instagram.

Can you still see someone's profile after you've blocked them?

No, you cannot see their content. You can search for them but to see their photos and stories you must unblock them.

When you block someone on Instagram, can they still message you?

No. They cannot interact with you via your profile or direct messages.

How do you completely block someone from Instagram?

We answer this thoroughly on our article How To Block Someone On Instagram.

Can someone I blocked still mention me in their photos or stories?

Yes. They can mention your username but this won't come up on your activity. If you block them and change your username, they cannot mention you anymore.

Are my old comments and likes still visible to someone I blocked?

Yes. Instagram does not delete them.

How to make your Instagram more secure

If you're thinking of blocking someone from Instagram, perhaps you're also interested in making your Instagram account more secure. To do this you can try our following tips:

  • Have a strong password
  • Change your password regularly
  • Always sign out when you enter through a new device
  • Don't use third party apps
  • Make you profile private
What Happens If I Block Someone on Instagram - How to make your Instagram more secure

If you want to read similar articles to What Happens If I Block Someone on Instagram, we recommend you visit our Internet category.

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If I block someone and delete the conversation, can they still see the messages? If so, how can I make our past messages invisibale on their side?
Nishant Awale
How To Know If Someone Deactivates Their Instagram Account
When I access an instagram page in browser I can their most recent page . When I log in it takes me to an old page ? have I been blocked ?
When you block someone and another instagram account features my work and tags me can the blocked person see that post?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi bre,

Yes, they will be able to. However, once they click on your profile, it will be blocked and they cannot see any of your own posts.
LakshmiKanta jana
Pl unwanted message not sent
neha diya
Will the person I blocked in Instagram see my posts and followers?
Ameera Mills
Hi Neha
If you block a person on Instagram they cannot see your posts or followers.
Lakshmikanta jana
Pls stop unwanted message
if they have an app that tells them who blocked them and who sees they're account what will happen?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Mary,

There are many apps which claim they tell you who has blocked you, but none which we can verify they actually work. We recommend checking out this article for more info:
If I block someone on Instagram and we have mutual friends/followers. Will I be able to see their comments/likes on a mutual friends post? I know they won't be able to see what I say and do but I don't want to be able to see anything that they say or do either
OneHowTo Editor
It is possible that if someone uses a person's username in a blocked post, the handle will come up in a comment. However, if a person who has been blocked by this handle clicks or taps on it, it will say that the user doesn't exist. If your account is private, they won't be able to see your posts at all (unless they look on someone else's profile which you have accepted). They won't be able to add new comments to your posts, but you will have to delete their pre-existing ones. You will be able to see their comments on other people's posts, but you will simply have to ignore them.
There is a woman on my Discover people under in your contacts. But I do not know her. I realized who she is, she is the mother of someone I once knew. WE blocked each other on IG 2 years ago. How is this person under "In your contacts" if I never met her before? It's driving me nuts.
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Luna,

The Instagram algorithm is a complicated one and even experts can only deduce so much, such is its complexity and secrecy. While this article is for Facebook and not Instagram, the former owns the latter and it likely works in a similar way. Take a look and see if it can help you better understand how you acquaintance's mother is connected:
Joselin Galvez
I blocked someone on Instagram and their full page was blocked to everyone else including him, which was not my intention. How did this happen and how can he get his page back?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Joselin,

We have no idea, there is no way you blocking someone on Instagram should affect their own personal profile or their followers. Maybe there is some misinformation being given here?
I followed someone on instagram, and then I blocked him, can my followers see that I have blocked that person?
OneHowTo Editor
No, your followers have no way of knowing you have blocked somebody unless that person says so.
Hope this helps
If Ive recently blocked someone will they be able to view my instagram bio?
OneHowTo Editor
Once their cache has been renewed, they won't be able to view your profile bio. Hope this helps
shikha singh
if i had a conversation with someone and then i block that person the will automatically delete?
coz i haven't deleted the chat but i'm not able to see even a single msg
Janine Rout
Actually, someone blocked me, but a mutual friend has a link to his profile @username on a picture. If I click on the tag, it SOMETIMES takes me to the blocked account, which is private. I can see the profile picture and bio of the guy who blocked me, as well as how many are following /followed by him, but no pictures. Can anyone answer me WHY I am able to do this sometimes??
If I'm already in a group chat and I block everyone in it and then leave the group chat, can they see that I left the chat?
" But remember, if your account is public they can find you when searching for your name, even though they will not be able to view your profile." I was able to see my friends public account but not posts, so I knew I had been blocked. Now, however, I can't find/search at all. I know the account is still public because I can see it on another friend's instagram account. How were they able to completely hide their public account from even being searched?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Bella,

We are not aware of this fact, but new Instagram updates may have made this possible. We'll look into it and let you know!
Though I once was able to see comments left by users I blocked in accounts that we both followed, I find that I no longer can. Is this a recent update from Instagram? Their help page still suggests that one would be able to see likes and comments in public or shared accounts, but perhaps that's changed.
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Matt,
It hasn't changed that we know about, but we'll look into it for you and let you know if it has.
I want the person's account to completely disappear like on Facebook. They still appear in my search and I can see their likes and comments on pictures.
This article is not accurate. If you block someone they can still see your comments and your likes on others accounts that you follow. If someone has shared your account with them they can also see that it is there but that you have blocked them and they are not able to follow you. But your account can be seen they just can't see what's on it or follow you. Which is so silly if you. Block someone the account should disappear completely.. hints what the feature should be for. Even if you block someone and they find your page they can STILL share your page with other people and those people can send them what is on your account... again the block feature needs to be undated on Instagram
I blocked an ex on Instagram, but after I did I was still able to see his profile and it always came up in the search bar. I just now noticed that I can no longer see his profile (which is fine) but how could he block me if I already unfollowed and blocked him? Just curious.
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What Happens If I Block Someone on Instagram