
How to Mute Someone on Whatsapp for Android

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: October 29, 2024
How to Mute Someone on Whatsapp for Android

We all have friends who can be a little too much in person. Their heart is in the right place, but they don't half drone on about things. When you are face to face, you have to at least look engaged. Fortunately, for those who are equally chatty on WhatsApp, there is a feature which can allow you to have a breather without hurting anyone's feelings. It works particularly well on group conversations where the feed of messages is insistent and your phone alerts manage to distract you and drain your battery in equal measures. The function is available on all devices which use WhatsApp, but you may be wondering how to mute someone on WhatsApp for Android. Fortunately, oneHOWTO explains both how to do this as well as explain what it means to mute someone on WhatsApp.

You may also be interested in: What Does Mute on Whatsapp Do?

Steps to follow:


What does it mean to mute someone on WhatsApp?

It's important to know what muting someone on WhatsApp isn't. It doesn't mean you will block or delete the contact. It simply means that when a particular contact or group on WhatsApp is sending new messages, you will not receive any alerts telling you about them. This is both when you are connected to the app itself as well as the push notifications you have activated on your device.


If you want to mute someone on WhatsApp, you'll need to have a version for Android which is 2.12.197 or later. Before this time, you were only able to mute group notifications.

However, finally it became available on other app stores for Android such as Google Play. Whether downloading directly or from your Android device's app store, simply click the download link (invariably green), give it the appropriate permissions and install on your smartphone or tablet. There are desktop versions, but these do not usually use an Android operation system.

How to Mute Someone on Whatsapp for Android - Step 1

Once this is done, we need to open Whatsapp and go to the conversation with the contact whom we want to mute. If we want to mute this person, we need to tap on the person's name at the top. This takes you to the menu which has all the information on this contact, such as contact number, profile picture and multimedia they have shared with you, as well as providing a list of actions you can take in relation to them.

How to Mute Someone on Whatsapp for Android - Step 2

Once we're inside the personal contact information, we'll find an option that will allow us to mute their notifications. To do this, you'll only need to swipe the tab to the right.

How to Mute Someone on Whatsapp for Android - Step 3

At this moment, a message will appear on the screen - the same that comes out when we want to silence a group. This option is handy as it gives you the option to mute a person for different lengths of time. These different lengths of time are:

  • 8 hours: it means that during a period of hot messaging action, you can take a breather for a short time and come back to it the next day if you wish.
  • 1 week: perhaps there is a particularly bust week with a work contact who is still messaging you even though you are on holiday. Helps you to ignore the person for this time and come back to it when you need.
  • 1 year: if someone is going to bother you for a whole year, you may just as well want to block this person.

You can mute someone so it doesn't make an alert when they send a message, but it will still give you notifications. You can turn these notifications off by unselecting the tick box for ‘Show notifications’. You can unmute contacts just as easily by going through the same process, but toggling the tab back to its original position.

How to Mute Someone on Whatsapp for Android - Step 4

And you're done! You have muted someone on Whatsapp and you'll be able to confirm it on your list of chats, where a crossed speaker will appear on the right part of the conversation or through the contact's information. This second way of confirming you have muted the person will allow you to see the tab slipped to the right and colored in green as well as the time in which you have decided that you don't want to receive notifications from this person. You'll always be able to undo this action by swiping the tab to the left once more.


If I mute someone on WhatsApp will they know?

When you mute someone on WhatsApp it will only affect the way your service receives notifications. It is not the same as blocking someone on WhatsApp. You can still interact with them if you want or go into their messages to read them, you just won't receive the alerts and notifications which normally come with them. It shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings, but it may mean you miss an important message from them.

Do I still get a contact's messages if I mute them?

Yes. As we said, you can interact with them as usual. If you block someone on WhatsApp, this is different. You will not be able to see their messages and they will not even be able to see you as a contact.

If I read a muted contact's messages are they marked as unread?

No. If you mute someone on WhatsApp and still go into your chats together, then they will receive all the same notifications as before. If you change your privacy settings, then you can have the messages appear as unread (or at least turn off this type of notification).

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What did you think of this article?
Vanessa Ferreira
Arquiteto em Vidro Blindado, Sao Paulo - SP
Actually want to know about time line hiding actually some person chat with me and the same time their time line not seen to me how can it is possible is that network issue or setted by some person ?
if they are mutted can they still cal you
OneHowTo Editor
Yes, a person will still be able to call you if they have been muted. If you don't want this to happen your best option is to block them.
Do messages still come through as before when someone is muted? Or after you take the mute off?
OneHowTo Editor
Yes Nic, the messages will still come through and you'll be able to read them whenever you wish to, even after you have taken the mute off
if you mute someone can you still text him?
Michael Riley (oneHOWTO editor)
Hi Kofi, Yes you can still send and receive messages - you just won't get a notification when you receive a message from that contact.

Hope this helps!
I wanted to know that after you mute some individual, will he or she be able to call you using WhatsApp or not?
can you still see someone's online status if you think that have muted you on whatsapp?????
OneHowTo Editor
Yes, you can still see someone's status even if that person has muted you. There is no way of knowing if someone has done it unless you directly ask that person.
If we will mute some one is he able to text us or not .If we will mute some one for 8 hour is it possible to text us on this 8 hours or after them
OneHowTo Editor
If you mute someone the other person will be able to send messages but your smartphone won't warn you when the person sends you a message.
Hope this helps
Hi !! I wanted to know that after you mute some individual. Will he or she be able to see you online or not ?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Preeti, if you mute someone he/she will still be able to know if you're online. In order to do so you'll have to hide the 'last seen' option, though that will apply to all of your contacts. If you don't know how to do it, here's an article you might find useful: http://technology.onehowto.com/article/how-to-hide-whatsapp-last-seen-on-iphone-1701.html
When you mute someone does that person know or how can they tell they've been muted.
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Emma, there's no way the other person knows if you've muted them or not. They will be able to tell if you've blocked them but never if you've muted them.
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How to Mute Someone on Whatsapp for Android