Working faster on the computer

How to Type Faster on the Keyboard

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: October 5, 2023
How to Type Faster on the Keyboard

Typing is an essential skill in today's world, and being able to type quickly and accurately can save you a lot of time and effort. Whether you're a student, a professional, or just someone who spends a lot of time on the computer, improving your typing speed can be a valuable investment.

In this oneHOWTO article, we will discuss some of the most effective tips for improving your typing speed. We will also provide some resources that you can use to learn keyboard shortcuts and practice typing.

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Steps to follow:


Choosing the right keyboard is essential for improving your typing speed and accuracy. Consider the following factors:

  • Keyboard type: mechanical keyboards offer tactile feedback and customization options, making them a good choice for typists who want to improve their typing experience.

  • Tactile feedback: some people prefer tactile feedback, which helps them type more accurately. Mechanical keyboards offer more tactile feedback than membrane keyboards.

  • Key travel distance: key travel distance refers to how far a key must be pressed before it registers. Some people find that longer key travel distance is more comfortable and conducive to faster typing.

  • Customization: mechanical keyboards often allow for customization, such as swapping out keycaps or choosing different types of switches.

  • Durability: mechanical keyboards are generally more durable than membrane keyboards.

  • Ergonomics: consider the ergonomic design of the keyboard to reduce strain during long typing sessions.

  • Noise level: mechanical keyboards can be noisy, so consider a quieter switch type or a membrane or scissor-switch keyboard if you need a quiet keyboard.

Tilting your keyboard forward about 10 degrees can also improve your typing. This will raise the height of the third row of keys to about 3 centimeters (1.18 inches) above the desk, making it more comfortable to reach. Most external keyboards have stands or feet that can be folded out to tilt the keyboard. However, if the stands are broken or your keyboard does not have them, you can easily tilt it yourself using a couple of dice or a small piece of plastic, such as a LEGO brick.

In general, the best keyboard for you will depend on your individual preferences and needs. Try out different keyboard types to determine which one best suits you.

Keep your keyboard clean and sticky-free with our easy-to-follow tips.

How to Type Faster on the Keyboard - Step 1

Use keyboard shortcuts to save time and improve your typing efficiency. Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of keys that can be used to perform common tasks, such as copying and pasting text, formatting text, and navigating between programs and windows.

Learning keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time when typing, especially if you frequently perform the same tasks. Here are some examples of common keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+C: Copy text
  • Ctrl+V: Paste text
  • Ctrl+X: Cut text
  • Ctrl+Z: Undo
  • Ctrl+Y: Redo
  • Ctrl+A: Select all
  • Ctrl+F: Find text
  • Ctrl+H: Replace text
  • Ctrl+S: Save
  • Ctrl+O: Open
  • Ctrl+P: Print
  • Alt+Tab: Switch between open programs
  • Ctrl+W: Close current window
  • Ctrl+Shift+T: Reopen closed window
  • F1: Open help menu

Start by learning a few basic keyboard shortcuts, such as Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, and Ctrl+Z. Once you are comfortable with these shortcuts, you can start to learn more advanced shortcuts.

Here's a quick and easy way to type the at symbol on your Mac keyboard, even if you're new to using a Mac.


Proper hand position on the keyboard is essential for touch typing, a method where you type without looking at the keyboard. It can significantly improve your typing speed, accuracy, and comfort.

Here's how to achieve proper hand position:

Place your fingers on the home row keys: A, S, D, and F for the left hand, and J, K, L, and ; for the right hand. Use the following keys for each finger:

  • Pinky: A, ;
  • Ring: S, O
  • Middle: D, I, K, M
  • Index: F, R, T, G, V, J, U, H, Y, N
  • Thumb: Spacebar, Shift, Enter, other special keys

When your fingers are on the home row keys, you can reach all other keys without having to look at the keyboard. This can significantly increase your typing speed and accuracy. Furthermore, with proper hand position, each finger has specific keys assigned to it. This helps to reduce typing errors because your fingers become accustomed to their assigned keys.

Typing with proper hand position can reduce hand and finger fatigue by using the correct finger for each keypress. This makes it more comfortable for extended typing sessions.

Keep your computer screen clean and streak-free with our easy-to-follow tips.

How to Type Faster on the Keyboard - Step 3

Improving your typing speed on a keyboard takes practice. Spend time typing regularly to build muscle memory and speed. Online typing tests and games can be valuable tools for assessing your progress and keeping your practice engaging.

When practicing, remember to start slow and prioritize accuracy. Rushing can lead to errors that hinder your progress. Focus on typing correctly, and speed will naturally follow with consistent practice.

Typing software or apps designed to improve speed can provide structured lessons and track your progress, making them valuable resources for skill development. These tools often offer a variety of exercises and challenges to help you become a faster typist.

Not sure what version of Windows you're using? Check out our article to find out!

How to Type Faster on the Keyboard - Step 4

Improving your typing speed is a journey that requires patience. It's important to understand that progress may not be instant, and that's perfectly normal. As you work on becoming a faster typist, remember that everyone starts at their own pace.

Be patient with yourself, especially during the early stages of practice, when you might not see dramatic improvements.

Typing for extended periods without breaks can lead to fatigue and reduced speed. It's crucial to take short breaks during your typing sessions. These breaks allow your hands and fingers to rest and recover.

Simple hand stretches or quick walks can help relieve any tension and maintain your typing efficiency. Additionally, taking breaks also refreshes your mind, which can improve overall typing accuracy. So, remember to schedule regular breaks in your practice routine to keep your typing skills at their best.

How to Type Faster on the Keyboard - Step 5

If you want to read similar articles to How to Type Faster on the Keyboard, we recommend you visit our Computers category.


  • You'll know that you type fast when you don't look at the keyboard and you use all 10 fingers.
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1 comment
If you want a great keyboard to type on I suggest a genuine mechanical keyboard. They make them with different types of keys. Some are like clacky-clack noisy keys. Some are nearly silent. I like the Cherrry brown ones. Not to noisy with a great feel to them. Corsair makes the one that I use. Yes, expensive compared to the cheapest ones but once you use one with the key feel that fits your personal perference, you will never go back.
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How to Type Faster on the Keyboard