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How to Have Multiple Telegram Accounts on iPhone and Android

Max. D Gray
By Max. D Gray. Updated: June 3, 2018
How to Have Multiple Telegram Accounts on iPhone and Android

Telegram is an instant messaging service which has been steadily rising since it's release in 2013. With Facebook taking over WhatsApp in 2014 and their own messenger service lacking encryption, many see Telegram as a more secure alternative. Active users on Telegram recently reached record numbers, but what if you want to have more than one account on the same device? Both Android and iPhone users are now able to do just that with Telegram's recent update. You may want multiple Telegram accounts for business, keeping multiple clients up to date or simply compartmentalizing work and private life. It's also great if you allow someone else to check their message on your device. Knowing how to get multiple Telegram accounts couldn't be easier, so let oneHOWTO show you.

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How to set up a Telegram account

You can't set up multiple Telegram accounts if you don't have an account in the first place. Fortunately, Telegram allows you to set up with its easy and streamlined interface. This is as long as you have your own telephone number and a suitable device connected to it. In this case, an Apple iPhone or one of the many handsets which use an Android operating system like Samsung or Nokia.

Here is the quick and easy way to set up your Telegram account:

  1. First, you will need to download the app. For Android users this can be done on Google Play and for iPhone users it's a simple search and tap from the App Store.
  2. Once downloaded, open the application and it will ask you to enter your phone number. This needs to be the number of your phone as Telegram will send you a text to confirm this is indeed your number. If you were to use someone else's number, they will receive the text and probably wonder what you're up to.
  3. Once you receive the code via text, enter it into the app when prompted.
  4. Set up your account. You can add your name and a picture, whether these are accurate is up to you.

Once you have completed this set up, it will ask if you want to find other Telegram users. If you allow the app access to your contact list, then you can simply let it search other Telegram users for you. Otherwise, you can enter the contacts manually. From a set-up perspective it's not dissimilar to other messenger services like WhatsApp or Skype.

How to add multiple Telegram accounts

If you want to know how to add multiple Telegram accounts, but are not sure how it works for iPhone or Android, there's good news: they work the same. Once you have the app downloaded, it is the interface which lets the user add the different accounts. It also couldn't be easier. Here are the quick steps you need:

  1. Simply go to the top left hand side of the app and tap on the menu button (this is represented by three lines stacked on top of each other).
  2. You will see once the menu appears there is a picture of your user profile. Directly below is a ‘+’ sign. This sign is there to let you add another profile.
  3. Once you tap on the add button, you will be asked to enter the phone number of your second profile. Again, you will have to use a number which is either yours or someone who has given you permission to use their number. A text will be sent with a confirmation code and you can confirm this new number as well.
  4. Once you fill in the confirmation code, the new profile is added. Once this profile is added, you can toggle between them by tapping one or the other through the same menu button.

Now that you have the new profile, you can easily switch between the two profiles on the same device. This is much easier than having to get out another phone every time you want to send your work messages. You can even add another profile as Telegram allows you up to three accounts. Again, repeat the tasks above to add the third (and final) account. Unless you are in a large family with only one phone or you're a spy, you should probably get away with only needing these two accounts.

This feature is available on both iPhone and Android phones by either installing or updating to the new app. It will come automatically as a new feature. If you are using a version less than the Telegram version 4.7, then this multiple account feature won't be available to you.

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1 comment
the feature (multi accounts login) is just for Android ,IOS version of telegram dont have it.
How to Have Multiple Telegram Accounts on iPhone and Android